
Showing posts with the label Jesus

Son and Servant

The  Gospel of Matthew  calls Jesus the “ Son of David .” In his life and death, he demonstrated what it meant to be the King of Israel and the “ Son of God .” Traditionally, this last designation was linked to the House of David; but in Matthew’s account, the old understanding of the Messiah is altered radically. The Greater “ Son of David ” is far more than the Ruler of Israel or the Nations. He is a King and Messiah of a very different kind.

The Son of Abraham

The introduction to  Matthew  states that Jesus is the “ Son of Abraham .” He is nothing less than the heir of the covenant promises made by the God of Israel to the Patriarch, the  “ Seed of Abraham . ”  His identification as the descendant of the Patriarch points to the theme of fulfillment that dominates the  Gospel of Matthew . In this man from Nazareth, all the ancient promises of God find their “ Yea, and Amen ”!

The Incommunicable Name

The Incommunicable Name of God, its meaning and significance, according to Joseph Bryant Rotherham .  The following article is from the Introduction to the 1902 edition of the  Emphasized Bible  by Joseph Bryant Rotherham ( Public Domain ). It explains the background and meaning of the Hebrew name of God, Yahweh, and the key reasons why it has been lost to a great many Christians over the centuries.

His Name is Jesus!

In the first chapter of  Matthew , an angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “ begotten of the Holy Spirit ,” and he instructed him to name the child ‘Jesus’ - “ Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins .” This name pointed to the saving act of God for His people which He was about to reveal. In the Nazarene, the salvation promised to Israel and the nations had arrived. “ Good News ” indeed!